(アルゴリズム開発) 車両前方カメラ画像から物体を含む矩形領域を検出するアルゴリズムを作成
(アルゴリズム実装) ハードウェアアクセラレータなどの設計を行い、ターゲットのFPGAボードへのアルゴリズム実装を行う

この第2回コンテストに続き、第3回AIエッジコンテスト(アルゴリズムコンテスト 2 : 車両前方カメラ画像を活用した物体追跡課題)も募集を開始しています。我こそはという方は、是非応募してみてください!
The 2nd AI Edge Contest led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and NEDO, and held from November 2019 to the end of March 2020, ended a screening process in April, and its results were confirmed. DMP had been involved in the planning, management, and screening of this contest, and would like to introduce a summary of the contest application status and results.
This contest consists of:
[Algorithm development]
Creating an algorithm to detect a rectangular area containing an object from dashboard camera images
[Algorithm implementation]
Designing a hardware accelerator and implementing the algorithm on a target FPGA board
It was a very difficult task from image recognition algorithm development to hardware implementation and to submit SD card images as the final product that operates on the FPGA board.
Initially, there was a concern that the number of applicants of the final deliverable would not increase because the task includes not only software implementation but also FPGA hardware implementation. However, it turned out to be a very high-level competition with 15 applications, most of which were released as design data that works very well.
The final performance results are summarized as the above table.
There are several teams that achieved competitive performance of more than 60 frames per second (processing time of 16 ms/frame or less) despite the environment of inexpensive Ultra96 FPGA board. The top-ranked implementations were found to be competitive even from the viewpoint of the industrial world.
Due to the influence of the new coronavirus infections, some screening meetings were held online, but as a result, the top 3 teams and 3 teams with good ideas were decided.
In order to contribute to the future implementation contests and the spread of edge AI using hardware accelerators, creating a report and open source related to the achievements of the prizewinners are scheduled, which are going to be posted on the contest site.
Following the 2nd Contest, applications for the 3rd AI Edge Contest (algorithm contest 2: task of tracking objects utilizing dashboard camera images) are being accepted now. Your applications are more than welcome!