DIGITAL MEDIA PROFESSIONALS INC. | Making the Image Intelligent






ステレオビジョンIP「ZIA SV」を用いた架線検出システムの実証実験 / Demonstration Experiment of Overhead Line Detection System Using Stereo Vision IP “ZIA SV”


国土交通省中国地方整備局が、「新技術の発掘」や「企業間連携」を推進し、新技術の開発促進・普及拡大を図ることを目的に行っている現場ニーズと企業等の技術シーズをマッチングさせる取り組みに、当社のステレオビジョンIP「ZIA SV」がシーズとして採用されました。建設重機「バックホウ」のアームが架空線や障害物等に接触する事故の防止という現場ニーズに、小型、高性能、高精度な距離推定を実現する「ZIA SV」を活用するものです。2024年11月25日(月)に、島根県雲南市において、実証実験が行われましたので、その内容を報告します。


「ZIA SV」は、高速かつ鮮明にステレオカメラ画像から深度情報を取得できるため、架線検出の精度を向上させることが期待できます。ステレオカメラ映像をFPGAボードに入力、「ZIA SV」を用いて、架線までの距離をリアルタイムで測定します。


その結果、架線との距離を正確に検出し、「ZIA SV」の有用性が屋外環境においても確認できました。当社のステレオビジョン技術が、建設現場における架線等接触リスクに対する新たな解決策となる可能性を認識できました。

バックホウに設置したステレオカメラ / Stereo Camera installed on a Backhoe
実証実験中の様子 / Demonstration Experiment in Progress
検出画面(右上が距離) / Detection Screen (Distance shown upper right)


当社は今後も「Making the Image Intelligent」というパーパスのもと、画像インテリジェンス(画像の知能化)の力により、建設現場を含む現実世界の問題を解決し、ステークホルダーに価値をもたらす革新的な製品とサービスの創造に努めてまいります。


Our Stereo Vision IP “ZIA SV” has been adopted as a technology seed in an initiative by the Chugoku Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, which aims to discover new technologies and promote collaboration between companies to accelerate the development and dissemination of innovations. To address the field need to prevent accidents where the arm of a construction heavy machine such as a backhoe comes into contact with overhead lines or obstacles, we applied our “ZIA SV,” which realizes compact, high-performance, high-precision distance estimation. This demonstration experiment was conducted on Monday, November 25, 2024, in Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture, and here is the report of the demonstration experiment.

Field Needs and Our Technology Seed

Backhoe operators concentrate on the bucket at the tip, posing a risk of contact between other joints and overhead lines during work. While there is a need for overhead line detection technology to prevent this situation, traditional laser sensors have difficulty detecting thin overhead lines. “ZIA SV” can acquire depth information from stereo camera images quickly and clearly, thus improving the accuracy of overhead line detection. By inputting stereo camera images into an FPGA board and using “ZIA SV,” the distance to the overhead line is measured in real-time.

Demonstration Experiment and Results

The demonstration experiment was conducted in an outdoor construction site under clear weather conditions in the presence of the Chugoku Regional Development Bureau, construction contractors, and journalists. The operator was asked to maneuver the machine to verify if the overhead lines could be detected through the stereo images. As a result, the distance to the overhead lines was accurately detected, confirming the usefulness of “ZIA SV” even in outdoor environments. Our stereo vision technology proves to be a promising new solution for preventing contacts with overhead lines or obstacles at construction sites. Additionally, we collected issues related to cable routing from the stereo camera to the operator cabin and warning methods for operators when using the system in actual construction machinery.

Future Outlook

Moving forward, the insights obtained from this demonstration will be used to optimize the system for practical use at construction sites. Guided by our Purpose “Making the Image Intelligent,” we will continue to leverage image intelligence to solve real-world problems, including those faced at construction sites, and strive to create innovative products and services that bring value to our stakeholders.

