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DMPコーポレートブログ、始動します! FPGAセミナー(AI エッジコンテスト) / DMP Corporate Blog is up and running! – FPGA Seminar for AI Edge Contest –

DMPコーポレートブログ、始動します! FPGAセミナー(AI エッジコンテスト) / DMP Corporate Blog is up and running! – FPGA Seminar for AI Edge Contest –

このサイトは、元々当社のサイバーAIディビジョンのテックブログとして運営してきましたが、このたびURLを変更し、テクノロジーだけでなく、当社からのお知らせや当社内外の出来事など、当社にまつわる様々な情報をお伝えするDMP BLOGとして新たにスタートを切ります。


2月18日に、新横浜のイノテックビルセミナールームにて同コンテスト向けセミナー、題して「今からでも間に合う!AIエッジコンテスト向けFPGAセミナー」が行われました。当日は、60名ほどの参加があり、FPGAインフォメーションの小山忠昭氏によるFPGAセミナーやGoogle Cloudの佐藤一憲氏によるGoogle CloudのML学習基盤のご紹介がありました。当社常務フェローで本コンテストのコンテストマスターでもある大渕も登壇し、コンテストの概要説明や参加者の質問への対応を担当しました。

Mr. Ohbuchi, explaining the outline of AI Edge Contest

This site has been operated as a tech blog of our Cyber AI Division, but this time we changed the URL and is going to convey not only technology but also various information about DMP, such as announcements and events inside and outside DMP as DMP BLOG.
As the first topic, we would like to write about the 2nd AI Edge Contest in which we are involved in its planning and operation.

What’s the AI Edge Contest? For more details, please visit the dedicated website. In a nutshell, participants create an image recognition algorithm based on the video data of general domestic roads provided as an assignment, incorporate the algorithm into FPGA board that is provided by the contest office or procured by themselves, and compete for processing performance. Individuals and groups are welcomed to participate, and top performers are offered prize money from sponsor companies. This contest, organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and NEDO, is aimed at discovering outstanding technologies, ideas and people to realize innovative AI edge computing, and encouraging entry of new players into this field. DMP is involved in the contest planning and management as the contest co-organizer and an expert in edge AI and hardware.

On February 18th, a seminar for the contest, entitled “Still in time! FPGA Seminar for AI Edge Contest,” was held at the Innotech Building Seminar Room in Shin-Yokohama with about 60 people participation. The seminar included an FPGA seminar by Tadaaki Koyama of FPGA Information and an introduction to the ML learning platform of Google Cloud by Kazunori Sato of Google Cloud. Mr. Ohbuchi, Managing Director and Fellow of DMP and the contest master of the contest, also spoke on the stage, explaining the outline of the contest and responding to participants’ questions.
A Q&A session held in the wrap-up of the seminar was so lively that it felt like the participants showed high interest in the contest and edge AI.

In view of the high potential of edge AI to solve social issues and realize a safe and secure society, DMP will continue to contribute to the development and enhancement of human resources and the discovery of new ideas.
The contest is due at the end of March, and the judging will be held in April, so we would like to touch upon this topic again.

