当社は、おかげさまで今年の7月に創立20周年を迎えます。事業の推移としては、設立時には省電力、小型、高グラフィックス性能のIP(GPU IP)の開発・提供、その後、そのグラフィックスIP技術を組み込んだ、アミューズメント機器向けの高性能のグラフィックスLSIの開発・提供、そして、創業以来、蓄積してきたGPU技術をベースに、2016年にAI・ディープラーニングに対する知見を融合したソフトウエア、ハードウエア、サービスで構成されるプラットフォーム「ZIA(ジア)」を開発して、AI分野に進出、現在に至ります。
GPUのIP開発に加えて、LSIやAI FPGAモジュールの開発で長年培ってきた経験・知見を強みとして、アルゴリズム・ソフトウエアに留まらずハードウエアまで、一貫したAIサービスを提供しています。
The new fiscal year (ending March 31, 2023) has begun.
In this fiscal year, we will continue to contribute to “realization of a safe and secure society” and “solution of social issues” by focusing on the fields of safe driving assistance (safety) and robotics, as well as expanding our graphics LSI business.
In July this year, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of our founding. In terms of business transition, we developed and provided power-saving, compact, and high graphics performance IP (GPU IP) at the time of establishment, followed by the development and provision of high-performance graphics LSIs for amusement equipment that incorporate the graphics IP technology, and then based on the GPU technology accumulated since our founding, in 2016 we developed ZIA, a platform consisting of software, hardware, and services that combines our knowledge of AI and deep learning, and entered the AI field, where we are today.
With the strength of our experience and knowledge accumulated over many years in the development of LSI and AI FPGA modules in addition to GPU IP development, we provide consistent AI services, not only algorithms and software, but also hardware.
This year, which marks our 20th anniversary, is positioned as our second founding year, and we will accelerate our growth by creating technologies and innovations that will have an impact on society.
On April 1, we were pleased to welcome our new graduates.
We have been mainly hiring mid-career work-ready engineers, but from the perspective of organizational renewal and the realization of long-term growth, we are also focusing on hiring new graduates. The two new employees who have just joined DMP graduated from engineering graduate schools and were engaged in research on autonomous control of electric wheelchairs and research on robots for coexistence with humans, respectively. We are very pleased that we were able to hire those who fit our focused areas of safe driving assistance and robotics.
They were nervous at the beginning of the welcoming ceremony, but they seemed to relax a lot during the lunch time with the management and the department heads (of course, we ate in silence) and afterwards when we talked about various topics. They will be learning from their senior mentors/tutors, and I hope that they will keep their fresh spirit and do their best to support the backbone of our development system.
We value the motivation and growth of our employees through flexible work styles such as remote work and discretionary work systems, and diversity that transcends nationality, gender, and age.
We are looking to hire experienced professionals as well as those who will graduate in March 2023, so we appreciate your application.